• You don’t have enough support from a trusted, experienced Scrum Master and Coach or a community of Scrum Masters to share ideas with and learn from. You need to see someone embodying agility, empiricism, and servant leadership. You need feedback and someone who will challenge assumptions and offer new perspectives. You need to be able to share insights and ideas in order to process, reflect, and get creative.


  • While you’ve made some progress getting your team more aligned with Professional Scrum and improving results, you feel like you and your team are reaching a plateau or even stagnating. Because of the number of challenges your team is facing, you have a never-ending to-do list, a calendar full of meetings and emails, and still feel like you aren’t making much progress on what really matters at the end of each day.


  • You know there are no best practices in complex work. However, you want to learn how to discern which practices may be helpful in your context given the types of challenges your team is facing and how to implement them more intentionally. You’ve done Professional Scrum training, and now you need guidance, accountability, and support in applying your learning and navigating the context-specific challenges that arise.


  • You are done taking online courses and reading books and blogs about agile practices and facilitation techniques. You want to learn one approach that you can apply in any context from a trainer and coach with a wide range of Scrum experience who leads with compassion and curiosity, combining intuitive wisdom, evidence, and critical thinking.




  • You can see the whole and choose intentionally where to focus to maximize your impact, so you can empower and enable your team to own their process and outcomes, leveraging empiricism and an agile mindset to get better every day. This is what self-sustaining Scrum and thriving Scrum Teams look like.


  • You are able to break down improvement areas into smaller steps and experiments, making progress iteratively and incrementally, incorporating feedback and new learning along the way.


  • No fluff, results-focused training and coaching that inspires action and experimentation.

  • A high-touch program that offers personalized guidance and coaching.

  • Limited numbers so everyone can participate, be heard, and feel supported.

  • Safe and inclusive environment to experiment, learn, and grow.



  • Module 1: Assess the Current State 

    Get re-grounded in the core of Scrum and agility, so you can be focused on what matters most and feel connected to your why. This will help you assess your Scrum Team (and yourself as a Scrum Master), so you understand where you are now and have more clarity on opportunities to improve.


    There are often more levers to pull than we realize.

  • Module 3: Grow a Strong Team Identity

    Learn to balance the needs of the individuals and the team, tapping into intrinsic motivation, creating intimacy, identifying and resolving conflicts as they arise. You will help the team gain a shared understanding of why they exist, what's important to them, what they want to achieve and how they want to be together.


    And you will continue to nurture this team identity as they evolve and the needs and opportunities around them change. 

  • Module 4: Get to Done

    Help your team get to Done more consistently and with higher quality while honoring  sustainable pace. We will dig into the Definition of Done, Sprint Goals, creating transparency to progress throughout the Sprint, and more.


    You will enable your team to take greater responsibility for their goals, their plan, and their outcomes. And you will be supporting them as they overcome existing challenges.

  • Module 5: Maximize Value Iteratively & Incrementally

    Shift the focus from outputs to outcomes. You will learn to cultivate a product mindset, define and measure value, leverage Product Goals effectively, and enable value emergence in your Product Backlog refinement process.

  • Module 6: Enabling Agility in the Organization

    Rather than trying to learn a whole bunch of organizational culture theories and models, you will seek to create alignment in the organization and bring greater visibility to the impacts of organizational impediments, so you can influence change.


    There are no silver bullets, but you can find ways to navigate challenging situations (including budgets and schedules) while keeping your peace and sanity.

  • Module 7: Grow Your Personal Leadership Skills to Grow Your Impact

    We learn a lot of grandiose things about servant leadership, but you need to understand what it means in a tangible, day-to-day, moment-to-moment way. You will learn to apply the essential personal leadership skills that enable you to help others grow and navigate towards successful outcomes.


    While there is a dedicated Module to this, you will be experiencing this throughout the program in how I support, guide, and coach.

  • Module 8: Reflecting and Looking Forward

    At this point, you will have all of the pieces and lots of experience putting your learning into action with guidance and coaching from me. In this module, you will take a breath and zoom out to see where you are now, celebrating the wins and seeing where you want to go next.


    Your growing awareness, clarity, and confidence will help you easily integrate this experience into how you naturally approach your work as a Scrum Master going forward.


Are you a fan of 1:1 support? Me too! That’s why you will have monthly 1:1 coaching sessions with me throughout the program - a total of 4 sessions. We can use this time to process your insights and observations, overcome mindset blocks, and get creative and actionable. Essentially, we will dive deeper into your needs at that moment.

We will come together as a small group, so everyone can contribute to the collective up-leveling of knowledge and growth. I will do hot seat style coaching with a couple of individuals during each call. This will also give everyone an opportunity to share their insights, provide support, and offer guidance. I’ve gotten so much from participating in this style of coaching over the years, even when I’m not the one in the hot seat.


Each module includes video lessons, so you can learn on your own time and dive deep into the areas that resonate most and will help you take your team to the next level. Video lessons are 5-15 minutes long, so you can take what you learn and implement it immediately using the workbooks. I am also including additional resources related to common challenges, so you can explore based on what is coming up in your context.


Want some feedback on the work you are doing as you go through each module? You can send me your workbooks, and I will provide detailed feedback. It might be validation and celebration of your insights or your wins, challenging you to dig deeper, offering additional perspectives, ideas for creatively solving a challenge, or resources specific to a need you have.


Got a win you want to share or something you want support on, and you don't want to wait until the group coaching call? We will have a Whatsapp Group chat to enable simple and quick connection, as well as an easy way to tap into the group wisdom when we need it.


  • Assess the effectiveness of your Scrum Team (and yourself as a Scrum Master), so you can clearly see opportunities for growth and improvement.

  • Stop chasing symptoms and get to the root causes of challenges, so your team can be focused and aligned on delivering value; and they can successfully navigate complexity, unpredictability, and rapid change.

  • Create more transparency into what’s really going on, so your teams can have the right conversations that lead to greater trust, shared understanding, deeper insights, and courage to try new things.

  • Inspire and enable the shift towards agile mindsets and approaches even while working in environments that are still being driven by artificial deadlines and predictive planning approaches (i.e. waterfall).

  • Know how to find ways to make a positive impact, grow your influence, and continue to grow yourself - even when facing challenging circumstances in difficult environments.

  • More effectively navigate the stances of a Scrum Master, so you can feel more openness, creativity, and ease in how you approach any situation AND create the impact that aligns with your intention.

  • See the whole, zooming out and zooming in, to have more information, so you can be more discerning about where to focus your time and energy to maximize your impact.

  • Stop getting distracted by the drama of the day or falling into the “busy” trap, so you can focus your time and energy in the best ways to serve your Scrum Team and organization.

  • Empower your team to take ownership of their goals, their process, and their outcomes, experimenting and improving how they work together every day.


  • Be identifying the root causes of issues, focusing on the right things, and creatively and strategically implementing incremental improvements.

  • Experience your own transformation as you grow your personal leadership skills  because you put in the work, showed up with openness and curiosity, and had someone to challenge and champion you, guide and support you, and create new possibilities with you.

  • Stop second-guessing yourself and trust in your ability to navigate any situation. 

  • Your team will no longer talk about the same issues over and over in Sprint Retrospectives; they will start doing something about them.

  • Your team will finally be able to see what aspects of their process need to change so they can reliably create a Done Increment every Sprint. Your team will have brilliant conversations about how best to deliver valuable outcomes instead of just talking about what work they are doing.


How much 1:1 time do I get with you?

How many people will be on the Group Coaching calls?

What if I'm a new(ish) Scrum Master? Is this program for me?

What if I'm not technically a Scrum Master? Is that okay?

What makes Level Up Your Scrum different from other programs and training?

When does the program begin, and what will the schedule look like?

When will the Group Coaching Calls be scheduled?

What if I have a scheduling conflict and miss a Group Coaching Call?

When will 1:1 Coaching Calls be scheduled?

What support will I have between 1:1 and Group Coaching Calls?

Will there be recordings of the live calls?

I know it's a 4-month program, but how long will I have access to the content?

How do I secure my spot?

Do you offer payment plans?

What is your refund policy?

What if I am unhappy with the program?

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