Want to better leverage Goals, Evidence, and Empiricism to increase business agility?



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With markets and customer needs constantly changing, organizations need information and evidence that helps them adapt quickly to new challenges and opportunities so that they can deliver greater value and achieve true business agility. Yet often, organizations that use Agile product development techniques use traditional management approaches, expecting leaders to set firm long-term goals and manage progress toward them with dashboards of static metrics.


That is why Scrum.org created the Evidence-Based Management™ (EBM) framework, which is an agile approach to help leaders guide their teams toward continuously improving customer outcomes, organizational capabilities, and business results.


EBM focuses on customer value and intentional experimentation to systematically improve an organization’s performance and achieve their strategic goals.


In the Professional Agile Leadership™ – Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM) 1-day training, participants learn what EBM is and how to apply it through hands-on, activity-based learning. Through a series of exercises, participants learn techniques that support a more agile mindset.


Stephanie Ockerman is a Professional Scrum Trainer and Scrum Master (PSM) Curriculum Steward.  She works with the trainer community and Ken Schwaber to continuously evolve the courseware.  Stephanie also works with Scrum.org to teach, assess, and mentor PSM trainer candidates. She is co-author of the book Mastering Professional Scrum.


  • Practice using empiricism to set strategic goals, managing the unknown and complexity through experimentation and by adapting goals along the way.

  • Understand the essential aspects of goals and measures and how they influence behaviors and an organization’s culture and values.

  • Learn to create a cultural environment using clear goals, appropriate measures and trust to enable self- management and autonomy.

  • Experience empiricism as a leadership approach, using experimentation to incrementally steer towards an organization’s goals. 

  • Learn approaches to shift the conversation away from measuring progress purely through team performance metrics, toward a focus on customer-centricity and improving customer outcomes.

  • Drive operational improvements by using four Key Value Areas (Unrealized Value, Current Value, Time-to- Market, and the Ability to Innovate) as lenses for evidence-based decision-making.


Post-training support includes:

  • Access to all of the learning materials used during class.

  • Two free attempts to earn your PAL-EBM certification (assessment is taken online after the course). I offer tips and email support for questions that arise as you study for the assessment.

  • Links to additional online resources I curate for each class based on the questions and needs that arise during class.


Are you ready to create better alignment, gain more confidence in decision-making and improve your ability to deliver value in an uncertain world ?



What if I am unable to attend the course?

What if I'm new to Scrum or aren't using Scrum?

Is there any certificate associated with this course?

Yep! There is a scholarship program because diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are essential for growing a thriving world. The scholarship program uses a pay-what-you-can model, and you can read the requirements and apply here.  

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